Robert Montgomery Presents ratings (TV show, 1950-1957)
Rank is based on the average number of votes per episode adjusted with the average rating. Trend represents the amount of new votes submitted during the past 7 days.
13,605 / 30,975
Total votes
Average votes
Average rating
6.8 / 10
Actor, Producer, and Director Robert Montgomery introduced each telecast, sometimes interviewing one of the stars, and sometimes appearing in the play.
Directors: Alan Cooke , Dan Lounsbery , Frank Telford , Gerald Savory , Herbert B. Swope Jr. , Ira Cirker , James P. Yarbrough , James Sheldon , John Newland , Norman Felton , Perry Lafferty , Robert Ellenstein , Tad Danielewski , Vincent J. Donehue
Writers: A.A. Milne , A.E. Coppard , A.J. Cronin , Abby Mann , Adrian Spies , Agnes Nixon , Alan Le May , Alan Surgal , Alec Waugh , Alfred Lewis Levitt , Allan Vaughan Elston , Alvin Sapinsley , Ann West , Arthur Chesney Train , Arthur H. Compton , Arthur Richman , Benedict Freedman , Bertram Bloch , Betty MacDonald , Billy Wilder , Booth Tarkington , Burton Benjamin , Charles Brackett , Charles Dickens , Charles R. Jackson , Christopher Mayhew , Christopher Morley , Cleveland Amory , Cornelia Otis Skinner , Cornelius Ryan , Cornell Woolrich , D.M. Marshman Jr. , Daphne Du Maurier , David Levy , DeWitt Bodeen , Don Ettlinger , Doria Folliott , Dorothy B. Hughes , Edward Percy , Edwin Balmer , Eileen Pollock , Eleazar Lipsky , Elliott Baker , Ellis Marcus , Emeric Pressburger , Emily Kimbrough , Ernest Hemingway , Evelyn Waugh , F. Hugh Herbert , F. Scott Fitzgerald , Felice Benuzzi , Felix Jackson , Franklin Barton , Fredric Brown , Gail Ingram , George Bernard Shaw , George Emerson Brewer Jr. , George R. Stewart , Georges Arnaud , Georges Arnaud , Gerald Savory , Gian Carlo Menotti , Graham Doar , Guy Bolton , Hal Hackady , Harold Brodkey , Harry Kurnitz , Howard Swigett , I.A.R. Wylie , Irving Gaynor Neiman , J.B. Priestley , Jack McClain , James Parish , James Parrish , James Sheldon , James Thurber , Jay Dratler , Jerome Ross , Joe Graham , Joel Hammil , John Cheever , John Dos Passos , John McLiam , John McPhee , John Newland , John O'Hara , John Vlahos , Joseph Conrad , Keith Winter , Laurence Housman , Lionel Shapiro , Lorenzo Semple Jr. , Marcia Davenport , Martha Wilkerson , Martin Dibner , Mary Hayley Bell , Mary Roberts Rinehart , Mathilde Ferro , Merwin Gerard , Michael Powell , Milton S. Gelman , Mitchell Wilson , Murray Burnett , Nancy Freedman , Nathaniel Curtis , Nathaniel Hawthorne , Norma Mitchell , Norman Felton , Nunnally Johnson , Oscar Wilde , Owen Crump , Paul Gallico , Paul Manning , Paul Somers , Pearl S. Buck , Perry Lafferty , Philip Barry , Philip MacDonald , Raymond Chandler , Reginald Denham , Richard Berg , Richard Mason , Ring Lardner , Robert Carson , Robert Cenadella , Robert E. Sherwood , Robert J. Shaw , Robert M. Coates , Robert Nathan , Robert Presnell Sr. , Ronald Alexander , Rosemary Casey , S.S. Schweitzer , Sidney Morse , Sigmund Miller , Sinclair Lewis , Sophie Treadwell , St. John Terrell , Steve Frazee , Theodore Ferro , Therese Lewis , Thomas Phipps , Thornton Wilder , Turnley Walker , Ursula Curtiss , Victor Hugo , W. Somerset Maugham , Wilbur Daniel Steele , Wilkie Collins , William A. Wellman , William Kendall Clarke , Zoe Akins
Hint: you can examine a particular season more clearly on the graphs if you disable the trendline and all other seasons (via clicking on their labels).
Episodes average rating
Autoscale Scale from 0 Scale from 0 to 10 Toggle Seasons
Note: season labels indicates the average rating per episode between the parentheses.
Episodes total votes
Autoscale Scale from 0 Toggle Seasons
Note: season labels indicates the average votes per episode between the parentheses.
History (tracking since March 7, 2020)
Autoscale Scale from 0
Note: amount of total votes may decrease due to periodic removal of fraudulent ones.
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