Stanislas-André Steeman ratings (Writer, 1908-1970)
Rank is based on the average number of votes per title (movie + TV show) adjusted with the average rating. Trend represents the amount of new votes submitted during the past 7 days.
22,668 / 69,395
TV shows
Total votes
Average votes
Average rating
6.5 / 10
Movies average rating
Autoscale Scale from 0
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2 Rating 1. The Riverside Murder 2. The Last One of the Six 3. The Murderer Lives at Number 21 4. Jenny Lamour 5. La muerte camina en la lluvia 6. Le furet 7. Full House 8. Girls' Dormitory 9. Que personne ne sorte 5 6 7 8 Movies total votes
Autoscale Scale from 0
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2 Votes 1. The Riverside Murder 2. The Last One of the Six 3. The Murderer Lives at Number 21 4. Jenny Lamour 5. La muerte camina en la lluvia 6. Le furet 7. Full House 8. Girls' Dormitory 9. Que personne ne sorte 0 1k 2k 3k 4k 5k 6k 7k Movies history (tracking since November 18, 2020)
Autoscale Scale from 0
Note: amount of total votes may decrease due to periodic removal of fraudulent ones.
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